
[ 2005-11-29 13:43:08 | 作者: wrrx ]
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一、 比赛模式:

1、 版本: CounterStrike v1.5
2、 队伍
3、 构成:每支队伍
4、 人数为5人,
5、 可以有1--2名6、 替补,7、
8、 每个队必须有队伍
9、 的专用名
19、并采取分组抽签淘汰制决出冠亚季军 。比赛采取抽签方式决定分组
De_Dust2, De_Cbble, De_Prodigy, De_Train, De_Aztec ,de_nuke


1. 在比赛过程中如果出现由于组织者提供的硬件设备引起的特殊情况,导致比赛不能正常进行,选手应立刻告知裁判人员暂停比赛,由裁判根据当时具体情况进行裁决;

2. 比赛过程中由于选手个人因素(如身体条件)引起的比赛无法正常进行,组委会将不对此负责,选手将以弃权论处;

3. 在比赛场地禁止使用各种酒精制品和兴奋剂;也禁止在赛事组织单位指定吸烟区域外吸烟;

4. 参赛选手着装要整洁,允许穿着带有战队的队标、赞助商标志、游戏联盟标志等标识的衣物,但不能有粗俗或政治性的文字或图案;

5. 参赛选手在比赛中必须主动配合裁判的工作,完全服从裁判安排,如果对比赛的裁决有异议,请向比赛的裁判长申诉,不得纠缠裁判人员,如未能解决可向奥美电子邮件投诉不得影响现场的正常的工作和比赛活动的正常进行;

6. 选手在比赛的过程必须自觉维护比赛公平原则,不得有任何作弊、冒名顶替、重复报名等行为,如果发现将立刻取消比赛资格;








三、 选手守则









9. 以上规定若累计三次犯规,将导致判其站队离开比赛场地,取消比赛资格和以取得名次。 注:其他不可预料情况由当场裁判全权负责处理。


mp_fadetoblack 3(人物死亡后屏幕变黑)
mp_timelimit 0(每局时间不限制)
mp_buytime 0.3(买装备时间为18秒)
mp_friendlyfire 1(友军误伤打开)
mp_friendly_grenade_damage 1(手雷友军伤害打开)
mp_roundtime 3(每回合3分钟)
mp_c4timer 35 c4(爆炸时间为35秒)
mp_freezetime 5(冻结时间5秒)
mp_forcechasecam 2(死后无追踪视角,尸体不消失)
mp_tkpunish 0(杀害友军惩罚关闭)  
mp_fraglimit 0(无得分上限)
mp_maxrounds 12(每局12回合)
mp_hostagepenalty 0(杀害人质惩罚关闭)
mp_autoteambalance 0(自动调整双方人数差异关闭)
mp_limitteams 0(队伍平衡关闭)
mp_autokick 0(自动kick关闭)
sv_aim 0(自动瞄准模式关闭)
mp_chasecam 0(自动镜头关闭)
mp_flashlight 1(战术手电打开)
mp_footsteps 1(脚步声打开)
mp_falldamage 1(高处落下杀伤打开)
sv_maxrate 10000 sv_cheats 0(作弊模式关闭)
sv_allowdownload 0(自动下载关闭)
sv_allowupload 0(自动上传关闭)
allow_spectators 1(允许观察员角度)
pausable 1(用户可以暂停游戏)

rate '20000' 网络设定
cl_updaterate '50'
cl_cmdrate '50'
cl_lc '1'
cl_download_ingame '0'
cl_allowdownload '0'
cl_allowupload '0'
gl_max_size '512'
gl_alphamin '0,25'
gl_monolight '0'
cl_solid_players '1'
cl_forwardspeed '400'
cl_backspeed '400'
gl_playermip '0' ( < = 5) r_drawviewmodel '0' or '1' net_graph '0' '1' '2' '3' hud_fastswitch '1' 可以设置'一键换枪”


五、选手控制装置设定说明 Off-line Game部分

1、 参赛选手可以自带键盘、鼠标或者其它的控制设备及其各自的驱动程序。参赛选手有责任独立安装自带设备的驱动程序。不鼓励选手间共用外设,更不允许因此拖延比赛进度。

2、 比赛组织单位提供标准的键盘和鼠标给没有自带外设的参赛选手。

3、 参赛选手不得使用任何附加的model或pak文件(包括特殊的准星、model、skin和地图材质等等)。

4 、比赛工作人员可以检查比赛用所有配置文件并可向公众公开。

小组分组原则 比赛将分成4个大组,实行单淘汰赛制,参赛各队将随机分在甲、乙、丙、丁四个大组。每个大组决出前四名,即把每个大组分成1、2、3、4四个小组,同样采取随机抽签形式。

以甲组1组为例,并假设每大组32只战队,每小组8只战队。 甲组1组共8只战队,分别编号为:甲101、甲-102、甲103、甲104、甲105、甲106、甲107、甲108;其他各组,以此类推。  

初赛: 参赛选手需要在己方战队比赛前30分钟在检录处检录; 每个站队需取得比赛的胜利方可进入下一轮比赛。直至决出16支站队    



决赛: 由进入决赛阶段的4支队伍进行角逐;决赛阶段分A、B两个小组,可采用单败淘汰赛制或双败淘汰赛,每个小组的第一名进入冠亚军争夺赛,第二名进入三四名争夺战


比赛规则 Match rules(总规则)

  1.All matches are played using the MaxRounds 12 scoring system by default. 所有比赛的默认设置都为mp_maxround 12

  2.A match is played on two maps, both teams get to choose their own map. Each map will be played one time as CT and one time as T. 一场比赛将使用两幅比赛地图,双方各选择一幅地图。每幅地图双方都要扮演CT和T方。

  3.Only 5on5 matches are allowed in the Counter-Strike 5on5 ladders. All matches that are played with a different teamsize will be cancelled. 在5on5联赛中,所有的比赛必须以5on5的方式进行。任何不是以5on5进行的比赛,结果无效。

  4.All matches should be played on secure servers (servers that have Valve Anti-Cheat running). To check if a server is secure or not, type 'status' in the console while connected. 所有比赛使用的服务器,必须是在value注册过的sercure server(使用value的反作弊插件)。进入服务器后,在控制台输入status,即可察看该服务器是否是sercure server. 规则部分II Optional rules (附加规则) The rules in this section are optional, wich means they are not effective unless the match rules say so. If you want one or more of these rules to be in effect during the match, you have to activate them on the match rules form and the other clan has to accept them. 本规则为附加规则,若规则总则无特别声明,此规则的所有部分均有效。若比赛双方需要附加其他规则,则必须在比赛前的比赛规则一项内声明,并且被双方接受,方有效。 1.Demos:(比赛录像) A. If this option is checked, all players must record demos from the whole match (one demo as CT and one as T from each map). In case of a conflict after the match, both clans may request up to 4 demos per map from the other clan. 如果该项成为附加规则,则比赛双方的所有上场选手,都必须对比赛的全过程进行录像(在每幅地图每一个半场都必须录像)。若任何一方对比赛结果有疑问,则比赛进行的双方均有权要求对方提供每幅地图最多4个录像。 B. If a clan fails to provide all the requested demos, or if some of the requested demos are broken, the other clan may request that the match be canceled. However 'broken' demos in which you can still see that they are of the right match, map and player will not be considered broken demos for the above rule (although the demo might show a different map or just a console). 若任意一方不能提供所有的录像,若有录像被损坏,则其对手有权要求比赛结果无效。若一个录像包括了比赛的双方队员名称,地图,能够被证明是该场比赛的录像,无论该录像是否能被正常播放,都不能被定义为已经损坏的录像。 C. In case a clan wants demos from the opponent off a demo required match the clan should immediately state the exact demos they want (player and round). If the clan doesn't comply with this request the opponent is free to upload any demo of the match as he sees fit. A clan can only request demos once in a conflict. Other requests than the first one will be ignored. 若比赛双方的任意一方要求其对手提供该场比赛录像,则对方必须立即准确地提供该录像的附加信息(参加人员和局数)。若对方不按照要求提供录像,则任意一方有权随时上传以任意视角纪录的该场比赛的录像。若比赛双方由于对比赛的过程和判罚有疑问的,可要求对方提供比赛录像。任意一方只能要求对手提供一次录像,对方已经提供的,则有权拒绝再次提供录像。 2.WWCL:(config监测) If this option is selected clans are obligated to play on a server with the WWCL plugin. All players will be expected to modify their config so they won't get kicked. If you are unable to find a server where the WWCL plugin is installed, both clans may demand that the match is cancelled. 如果比赛双方均要求并且同意在服务器端运行config监测,则参赛双方均有义务在指定运行config监测的服务器进行比赛。所有参赛选手因自觉检验自己的config是否违反规则,以免被服务器kick。若任意一方发现指定服务器没有运行config监测,则有权拒绝参赛。 3.Anti-Cheat Tools: (反作弊插件) You may select a third-party Anti-Cheat tool from the list on the matchrules form. All players will be expected to have made sure that they will not get any violations before the match starts. If you are unable to find a server where the Anti-Cheat tool is installed, both clans may demand that the match should be canceled. 双方均可在比赛规则承认的第三方反作弊插件列表中选择想使用的反作弊插件。参加比赛的所有选手均有义务保证自己在比赛前顺利通过反作弊插件的监测。若任意一方发现制定的服务器没有运行反作弊插件,则有权拒绝参加比赛。 The available Anti-Cheat tools are: ClanBase承认的第三方反作弊插件如下: HLGuard (www.hlguard.com) Cheating Death (download) - Valve Anti Cheat has to be deactived (由于软件冲突的原因,若安装此项,则value反作弊插件必须被关闭) 4.WonIDs optional:(参赛选手身份认定) If this option is selected WonIDs are not considered valid evidence to prove freelancers with. 若WonID认证没有被选择,则与参赛选手身份不符的WonID不能作为参赛一方使用其他站队成员的有效证据(Freelancers就是国内说的雇佣兵,零时找来代打比赛的) 5.Charges Only: (进攻方得分制) In stead of MaxRounds, the Charges Only scoring system will be used. This means that only Terrorist wins count on defusal maps (de_*), and in stead of a roundlimit there's a timelimit of 20 minutes. 若比赛双方均同意使用进攻方得分制代替默认的12局半场制,则可以使用进攻方得分制作为比赛规则。此规则意味着在de_map(安装炸弹与拆弹地图)中,只有作为进攻方的T一方的得分才会被记录。每场比赛的时间为20分钟一个半场,半场结束后换边。 The server settings should be adjusted as follows: 进攻方得分制的服务器设置如下: mp_maxrounds 0 mp_timelimit 20 Maxrounds 15: Instead of 12 rounds 15 rounds will be played. The server settings should be adjusted as follows: mp_maxrounds 15 7.Counter-Strike V1.6:(在比赛中使用cs1.6版本) The latest version of Counter-Strike 1.6 will be used. The following additons/changes to the rules are made: Clanbase将允许在比赛中使用最新的1.6版本作为比赛版本。因此做出了相应的针对1.6版本的附加规则: WonIDs are not considered valid evidence to prove freelancers with. We will have something for SteamIDs in the near future. It's not allowed to buy and/or use the shield (as the shield might cause severe bugs to occure). 以WonID作为身份认证的系统将不再运作,因为与参赛者身份不符的WonID将不再作为违规使用雇佣兵的有效证据。稍后将用最新的SteamID系统来作为官方的身份认证系统。由于盾牌可能因此的bug,在比赛中禁止购买或者使用盾牌Map list (比赛地图列表) The maplist is: de_aztec de_dust2 de_cbble de_inferno de_train de_nuke de_prodigy de_dust In addition to the maps in the maplist, you may select "custom map" on the challenge form and 2 text boxes will show up where you can enter the names of the maps you want to play. This way you'll be able to challenge your opponent on any map, but your opponent may decline the challenge freely. 以上列表的为ClanBase比赛地图。 如果参赛一方要求使用不在列表内的地图,则可在“挑战邀请表--地图“一项填写希望在比赛中使用的地图。如果对手同意,比赛可以在任何地图下进行。 Server settings(比赛服务器设置) All matches are played with the following server settings. If you have rcon access to the server, you can use this script to automaticly set all the settings correctly. 所有的比赛config必须按照以下的参数设置。 有op管理权限的服务器管理员,可在这里下载自动脚本在服务器中运行,这个脚本的设置是Clanbase的官方比赛config。服务器设置如下: pausable 1 allow_spectators 1 mp_buytime 0.25 mp_roundtime 3 mp_friendly_grenade_damage 1 mp_friendlyfire 1 mp_c4timer 35 mp_freezetime 6 mp_forcechasecam 2 mp_forcecamera 2 mp_fadetoblack 0 mp_footsteps 1 mp_flashlight 1 mp_autocrosshair 0 mp_limitteams 0 mp_logfile 1 mp_logmessages 1 mp_autoteambalance 0 mp_autokick 0 mp_tkpunish 0 mp_hostagepenalty 0 mp_startmoney 800 mp_timelimit 0 mp_maxrounds 12 sv_aim 0 sv_cheats 0 sv_maxspeed 320 sv_gravity 800 sv_airmove 1 sv_airaccelerate 10 sv_clienttrace 1

Miscellaneous rules(其他规则)

[1].Both clans get to choose if they start as T or CT on their own map. The clan with the lowest rank will get to choose what map is played first. 在挑战赛中,积分偏低的一方有权选择首先使用哪副比赛地图(一场比赛2副),双方可各选择一幅地?br />肌Q≡竦赝嫉囊环接腥ㄌ粞∠茸觯茫曰颍裕? [2].Clan members can only play with the same WonID they're registered with, unless the other clan is informed and agrees. If a registered player uses a different WonID than the one he's registered with, the other clan can consider him to be a freelancer. If the other clan doesn't agree with it, using a freelancer will result in a forfeit loss. In case the clan member had no wonid filled in the opponent can not demand a forfeit win but can only request the match to be cancelled (since he only forgot a formality). Click here if you don't know how to find out what your WonID is. 除非对手知道并且同意,否则站队成员必须始终使用它的注册WonID进行比赛。若一个已注册wonid的站队成员使用了与其注册资料不同的wonid,则其被认定为Freelancer(雇佣兵)。如果在对手不同意使用雇佣兵的情况下使用了雇佣兵参加比赛,则违规一方的当场比赛立即被判罚为负。如果任意一方的参赛队员并没有在clanbase注册自己的wonid,则其对手无权要求判罚对方该场比赛为负。但有权要求拒绝参赛,或要求比赛结果无效,不进入积分系统。[3].If a player drops because of a technical error you should pause the match at the end of the round (never during a round). The maximum time you can pause is 5 minutes, which is enough time to reboot and reconnect. If one team has paused the match for a total of more than 15 minutes, the other team may demand that the match continues without waiting for the missing players. 如果在比赛进行过程中由于技术原因一方有队员掉线,则可在该局比赛结束的时候暂停比赛。在一局比赛的进行过程中暂停是不允许的。由于5分钟足够掉线队员重启计算机并连接进服务器,因此每次暂停的时间上限为5分钟。若任意一方在比赛中暂停的时间超过15分钟,则其对手有权要求不再暂停,在对方有人员缺席的情况下继续比赛。[4]If all the players on one team drops because of technical error, the other team should wait at least 5 minutes before leaving the server. 若比赛一方的所有选手由于技术原因掉线,则其对手必须在服务器中等候5分钟之后方可离开。 [5]Substituting players is allowed at any time during a match, but you'll have to convince your opponent to pause the match if you want to do it in the middle of a round. 在比赛进行的任何时间都可以换人,但必须先通知对手并且暂停比赛后方可换人。[6]If one team willingly leaves the server before the match is finished, the clan that stayed are awarded the remaining rounds. 若任意一方在比赛结束前随意离开,则没有离开的那一方自动获得剩下几局的得分。  [7]If the server crashes before 5 rounds of a map has been played, the round will be replayed from the start. If it crashes after the 5th round has finished, the remaining rounds will be played with mp_startmoney set to 4500. 若比赛服务器在单场地图开始后的前5局之内掉线,则该场比赛将在双方队员人齐后重新开始。若该服务器在单场地图开始后的5局之后掉线,则当双方队员人齐后继续比赛,继续比赛的第一局应当设置的金钱数为4500。[8]If a server crashes more than 2 times during a match, either clan may demand a serverchange. 若在一场比赛中比赛服务器超过2次掉线,则任意一方有权要求更换服务器。 [9]Before each round can start the team who controls the server always have to make sure that the other team is ready. If one member of a team says that his team is ready he is considered to speak for the whole team, regardless of his status in the clan. Once a round has started it may only be restarted if both clans agree. If a match was started without the agreement of the other team they can demand that the round is stopped as long as at least 1 of their members remain in the spawning area. In that case the team who controls the server should wait until the other team is ready for a maximum of 10 minutes before restarting again 在比赛每一局开始的时候,服务器op必须确认双方都准备好了。如果任意一方有队员表示已准备好了,则被认定为该队全部准备好了--不论该名队员在站队中的职务是什么。一局已经开始进行,只有双方都同意的情况下才能重新进行。若比赛在没有得到双方均准备好的通告之下进行,则仍有队员滞留在出生点的任意一方有权要求中止比赛。在这种情况下,拥有服务器管理员的一方必须等候其对手最多10分钟,方可重新开始比赛。[10]Spectators are only allowed on the server if both clans agree. 只有在比赛双方都同意的情况下,方可在比赛中安插观察者。 [11]HLTV servers are always allowed on the server, but they have to use at least 30 seconds delay and both clans should have access to it. 比赛转播服务器代理(hltv-proxy)永远都可以在服务器中安装,但其转播时间,必须至少与比赛实况保持30秒的延迟,并且双方皆有权进入比赛转播服务器进行观看。 [12]If there's an anti-spam plugin on the server, the clan that controls the server have to notify their opponent of this before the start of the match. If they fail to do this and a member of the other team is kicked for spamming during the match, then that team may demand a forfeit win immediatly. However if the teams decide to play on, the team of which the member was kicked gives up it's rights for a forfeit win. The match should always be paused at the end of the round when someone is kicked for spamming. 如果比赛服务器安装了反刷屏插件,则拥有服务器管理员的一方必须在比赛开始前向其对手声明。如果在比赛开始前没有声明服务器安装了反刷屏插件,并且其对手因为刷屏被踢得,则无论有队员被踢一方是否决定继续比赛,无论被踢得该名队员是否要求保留自己的权利,被踢一方都会被判罚为立刻获得该场比赛的胜利
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